ACO Program Faculty are appointed by the ACO Coordinating Committee, and such appointments are normally renewed annually. ACO Program Faculty take an active role in running the program. This includes, but is not limited to, teaching core and advanced ACO courses, developing new courses, supervising students, and serving on ACO Committees. ACO Program Faculty may be drawn from any Georgia Tech unit, and, when justified, may come from outside of Georgia Tech. Any ACO Program Faculty may serve as a dissertation advisor of any ACO student regardless of departmental affiliation.
In addition to Program Faculty, there are individuals recognized as affiliated faculty of the ACO program because of their research and teaching interests.
The program is directed by a Coordinating Committee drawn from the participating faculty and representing all of the participating units. The program does not constitute an independent academic unit.
Students currently enrolled in the ACO program and their affiliated home department.
The ACO alumni and their current affiliations.