Schedule 2007

Fall 2007 Class Schedule

Course Number Course Name Instructor Course Time
Computer Science
CS 6520 Complexity Knot TuTh 4:35-5:55
CS 6550 Design and Analysis Algorithms Randall TuTh 1:35-1:55
CS 8803 Spectral Algorithms Vempala TuTh 9:35-10:55
Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISyE 6761 Stochastic Processes I (cross listed Math 6761) Matzinger MWF 1:05-1:55
ISyE 7661 Theory of Linear Inequalities Cook TuTh 9:35-10:55
ISyE 7686 Convexity (formerly ISyE 8871) Monteiro TuTh 12:05-1:25
ISyE 7686 Advanced Combinatorial Optimization (formerly ISyE 8871) Cook MW 1:35-2:55
Math 6014 Graph Theory Yu MWF 11:05-11:55
Math 6121 Algebra I Basu MW 3:05-4:25
Math 6221 Advanced Classical Probability Theory Matzinger MW 4:35-5:55
Math 6242 Probability II Breton TuTh 9:35-10:55
Math 6337 Real Analysis (formerly Math 6327) Heil TuTh 12:05-1:25
Math 6761 Stochastic Processes I (cross listed ISyE 6761) Matzinger MWF 1:05-1:55
Math 8803 Topics in the Theory of 4-Manifolds Etnyre TuTh 9:35-10:55

Spring 2007 Class Schedule

Course Number Course Name Instructor Course Time
Computer Science
CS 6520 Complexity Theory Khot TuTh 4:35-5:55
CS 7530 Randomized Algorithms Vera TuTh 9:35-10:55
CS 8802 Algorithmic Game Theory Vazirani TuTh 2:05-3:55
CS 8802 Algorithms for Complex Networks Mihail M 11:05-12:55
Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISyE 6307 Scheduling Theory Savelsbergh MW 3:05-4:25
ISyE 6661 Nonlinear Optimization I Barnes TuTh 9:35-10:55
ISyE 6662 Nonlinear Optimization II Nemhauser MW 12:05-1:25
ISyE 6663 Nonlinear Optimization III Nemirovski TuTh 12:05-1:25
ISyE 6762 Stochastic Processes II Zwart TuTh 1:35-2:55
ISyE 8803A Airline Operations Research Johnson MW 1:35-2:55
ISyE 8813 Special Topics in Operations Research: Stochastic Programming Ahmed TuTh3:05-4:25
ISyE 8872 E Topics in Nonlinear Optimization Monteiro TuTh 12:05-1:25
Math 6021 Topology of Euclidean Spaces Le TuTh 1:35-2:55
Math 6122 Algebra II Etnyre TuTh 9:35-10:55
Math 6241 Probability I Talata TuTh 12:05-1:25
Math 6321 Complex Analysis Chen MWF 11:05-11:55
Math 6327 Real Analysis McCuan MW 3:05-4:25
Math 6762 Stochastic Processes II Zwart TuTh 1:35-2:55
Math 7016 Combinatorics Norine TuTh 3:05-4:25
Math 7244 Stochastics Processes and Stochastic Calculus I Bakhtin TuTh 9:35-10:55
Math 8803 Methods in Combinatorial and Analytic Number Theory Croot TuTh 1:35-2:55
Math 8823 Probabilistic Combinatorics Kim/Tetali MW 1:05-2:55
Math 8863 Topics in Graph Theory Thomas MW 3:05-4:45